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Week 2. Pavia -Siena 10th - 16th April 2023

The Po river

10th April.

On Easter Sunday, we followed the Po river and arrived in Piacenza where we spent the night in a lovely studio.





11th April


We did a few extra km to find Camping Arizona at Bagni di Tabiano, Province de Parme. Campsites in Italy were not all yet open for the season.




12th April

12th April 

We  headed towards the Apennine mountains for our first real climb. 55km with 12km uphill. +979m. Happy to make it thus far!   We stopped for the night at Ostello di Cassio.

13th April

87km. The last climb to Passo della Cisa (1041m) before a long 50km descent and at last we reached the Mediterranean.
